Your Arduino will be the “USB-Serial (Chip#)(COMX)”, where the “X” represents the COM number, for example COM6.
In the tree, expand “ Ports (COM & LPT)“. You can also get to Device Manager through Control Panel and by several other routes. Windows 7: Click “Start” -> Right click “ Computer” -> Select “ Manage” -> Select “ Device Manager” from left pane. If Windows reassigns the COM port, you will have to change the setting in your G-Code Sender program as well in order to talk to your machine. Sometimes Windows will change the port number on a reboot as well. It may also do this if you replace your Arduino with a new one, because it has a different identifier code. Note that Windows may reassign this to a different COM port if you move the device to a different USB socket. When you plug a USB/Serial device into a computer, Windows will automatically assign it a COM port. You should be good to go, and use the next section to determine which COM port was assigned to the Arduino. Once Windows has installed the driver, it will come up with a “Your Device is ready to use” message. Note that you must be connected to the internet for this to work. It should automatically detect the converter and search Windows Update for the correct driver. Usually this is an automatic process, with your computer running, simply plug in the Arduino USB cable to the computer. If this is the first time you have connected an Arduino to your computer, you may have to install a device driver for the USB/Serial converter. Install the Device Driver for your Arduino You will need to enter the full directory location in the next step. I usually put stuff on the desktop so I can find it, and move it to safe storage later. HEX file only, you don’t need the source code. Download this to a directory on your computer and remember where you put it. You should see something like grbl_v1.1h.20190825.HEX. The latest version will always be at the top of the list, but scroll down to find the download files. At this writing, the current version is 1.1H. The method presented here is much simpler.įirst, you need to download the latest GRBL firmware. However, this method is more for use by experienced programmers, and is kind of hard to figure out for the layman. You can load the GRBL firmware into an Arduino using the Arduino Programming IDE, which you can download from Arduino’s website.
Note that these steps refer to a Windows 7 based computer, Windows 8 and 10 are similar but may have small differences in procedure. If you find yourself with a dead Arduino Grbl controller, or you are building a system from scratch, it is useful to know how to program the GRBL firmware into the device.